Office Fitouts · 11 Aug 2022 · by Lorna Marty

Hot Office Design Trends for 2022

Due to the pandemic, the world of office fitouts is moving faster than ever before – this has had an impact on working styles and, in turn, office interior design trends.

So here we look at hot office design trends that are picking up pace in 2022.

Read on for our top 3 trends.

Design Trend Number One: Biophilic Design

The Living Future Institute of Australia defines Biophilic Design as: “the practice of connecting people and the natural world of which people are part – within our built environments and communities”.

Put simply – in terms of office fitouts – this means incorporating nature into the office. The aim of this is to create positive spaces.

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When it comes to workplace design, now more than ever, we should consider what the environment is doing to the brain and how we use that to help people be healthier and more productive.

This is not just via plants, but using a whole range of natural elements, such as wood for furniture, water (think fish tanks and water features), moss feature walls, carpet tiles with textures and colours that reflect the great outdoors and so on.

The workspace should ideally reflect the natural world as much as possible bringing natural light in, preventing noise pollution, using natural, sustainable fabrics – all designed to bring positive energy to the office space.

Design Trend Number Two: Sustainability

This trend follows from number one.

Acting responsibly towards the environment is a huge concern in general, and with office design this no exception. Therefore, we see such changes as using LED lighting (or natural light), prioritising natural materials (preferably locally sourced) and repurposing items wherever possible.

Staff are also being encouraged to behave ethically too – with such items as separate bins for different types of waste, reusable coffee cups, and have plenty of spaces for bikes on-site (and showers too if cyclists want to cool down after arriving).

All of this makes the office a more attractive place to come and work and do business, as well as help in the ongoing fight against climate change.

Design Trend Number Three: A Hybrid Approach

The lockdown forced most of us into the great Working from Home Experiment.

Following on from this, some companies have adopted a hybrid approach, whereby some employees split their time between the office and home.

This has resulted in some companies making changes to their office to accommodate this change.

Agile Spaces:

Rather than the large open plan layout of the past, the new settings need to be able to scale up and down with ease. Agility is important, maximising available space to support this new type of working.

Zoom Booths:

Maintaining clear lines of communication between those in the office and those at home is one obstacle of hybrid working. One solution being adopted by some businesses is “Zoom booths”. This is where digital meetings can be held on laptops plus, with their acoustic properties, they are also good for private phone calls.

Locker Systems:

Typically, in hybrid offices, employees aren’t allocated a fixed workstation – instead, they hot-desk. This means a robust locker system is essential for safety and security.


If the landlord allows it, sub-letting is a great way to make use of space that’s been left vacant due to a reduced workforce. This may also require some intelligent space planning and furniture procurement to safely optimise the area for a new team.


This is a cross-pollination of “residential” and “commercial” design. Resimercial aims to replicate the comfort of the home in the workplace. This means introducing homely elements – soft seating areas, throws and pillows; living-room items like rugs, plants, coffee tables and photo frames; and warm wooden finishes on floors and walls. With people working at home for so long, savvy companies are making workspaces as enticing as possible to attract and retain their staff.


Whether you want your workplace to just look & function better or you are planning a major fit-out, get in touch with Liteco Projects to find out how we can help you create the perfect working environment.

Talk to Liteco Projects about your next fitout