Restaurant & Cafe Fitouts · 26 Feb 2021 · by Lorna Marty

How to select value for money commercial kitchen equipment

Whether you are opening a new establishment or renovating your existing restaurant or café, one of your main purchases will always be the commercial kitchen equipment. In fact, since this equipment can take up a large part of your kitchen budget in Sydney, it’s important that you choose wisely.

So to help you select the best value for money equipment, here are five questions to ask yourself before making your purchases.

1.  What’s the cost of the kitchen equipment?

If you are on a tight budget, then cost might be your priority. This should, however, be tempered with quality, because there’s no point in buying poor quality kitchen equipment, just because it’s cheap.

2.  Does your kitchen have enough space for the equipment?

Th design features of any good commercial kitchen are ease of use, efficiency and safety, but you also need sufficient space for your equipment. With the right plan to hand, you can select the best commercial kitchen equipment for your space.

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3.  Is this the best quality you can afford on your budget?

On a limited budget, you might not be able to buy the best of everything. So buy equipment with multiple uses and splash out on one or two essential, but high quality, items.

4.  Is the commercial kitchen equipment easy to use and clean?

The commercial kitchen equipment you purchase needs to be easily cleaned and easy to use. So do some research into your preferred items, making sure they are not difficult to operate and can be cleaned quickly and efficiently.

5.  Do you need advice refitting your commercial kitchen?

Designing an efficient kitchen with a good work flow and finding the right suppliers can be difficult, even if you are an experienced chef. So you might want to consider engaging a kitchen designer for your project. Someone who can help with the layout of your kitchen, select the best value for money equipment, and locate reliable suppliers.


Talk to Liteco Projects about your next fitout