Restaurant & Cafe Fitouts · 03 Jul 2020 · by Lorna Marty

In these new times – How to connect your restaurant to your community

With the global pandemic still underway and people starting to return to work, how can you connect your restaurant to the local community? These are the people that support your restaurant, so it makes sense to create an environment that resonates with them. This is particularly relevant if you are investing in a refurbishment, for example a new restaurant or café fitout, but it can also simply mean reengaging with your local community.

So here are three ways you can reconnect with the local community in your area.

1.  Highlight your use of local products

When everyone is suffering from a loss in trade, supporting other local businesses is a fabulous way to engage the local community. So look around for wineries, fruit and veggie growers, even wholesale butchers and dairies, any type of business that markets the produce you need for your menu. In fact, why not change your menu to incorporate local produce, even grow some of your own herbs and veggies? If you include these potted herbs (or even your restaurant’s garden) into your new fitout, everyone wins!

Liteco Projects Design and fitouts cafe specialists Sydney

2.  Support local fundraising events

Whether it’s community sporting events, fetes and wine tasting nights or fundraising for your local school and hospital, charity work connects you with your community. You can hold fundraising events at your restaurant, even donate a $1 for every $50 spent in your restaurant on a specific date. Charities, schools and hospitals are only too happy to promote your restaurant as one of their sponsors, so everyone wins!

3.  Refurbish an unused shop

If you want to expand your business on a limited budget and connect with your community, why not refurbish an unused shop? Locals will love that you’re breathing life back into their community and if you opt for an urban inspired fitout for your restaurant, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune!

Talk to Liteco Projects about your next fitout