Restaurant & Cafe Fitouts · 05 Mar 2020 · by Lorna Marty

6 Key elements for successful restaurant & café fitouts in Sydney

The hospitality industry is pretty tough and we have seen some very big names close their doors in the last 12 months. It’s clear that long term success means not only moving with the times, but also meeting the needs of your customers. This is why all successful restaurant & café fitouts in Sydney follow a process that ultimately future-proofs their business.

So if you are considering investing in a refurbishment this year, here are six steps that will help you to create your own magical formula to success.

1. Identify your customers

To create a restaurant or café that your customers will love, you need to identify your customers. In other words, you need to identify your target market and give them what they want, when they want it and for the right price.

2. Pinpoint your competition

It’s essential to identify your competition in the area. What are the competition doing that you can do better? How can you gain an edge on the competition with your design?

3. Know your budget

Don’t go into the refurbishment with an open wallet, instead create a realistic budget and stick with it. After all, it takes hard work to erase debts, so do what you can, but within your budget.

4. Define your interior design theme

All successful hospitality fitouts are designed around a specific concept and interior design theme that reflects their brand and appeals to their customers.

5. Make it Instagrammable

With Instagram now being so popular, creating Instagrammable vignettes will engage your customers and promote your restaurant or café to a much larger audience.

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6. Find the right interior projects specialists

Always engage a company experienced in restaurant & café fitouts in Sydney to ensure your refurbishment is top quality and on trend.

Talk to Liteco Projects about your next fitout