Restaurant & Cafe Fitouts · 13 Oct 2020 · by Lorna Marty

How to increase revenue with these new cafe fitouts

There are two ways to increase your café’s revenue in Sydney. One way is to move to a better location where there is plenty of foot traffic. The other is to invest in your business by focussing on the latest trends in café fitouts.

As interior projects specialists, we keep our finger on the pulse of all the latest innovations and trends in the hospitality industry. Our clients benefit because they know that their new refurbishment will engage their customers and grow their business. So if you are ready to revamp your café, here are three of the easiest trends to follow.

Focus on comfort

Some of the best café fitouts in Sydney are those that make people feel as if they are in a comfortable living room. So instead of cramming as much seating as possible into your café, consider a range of stylish sofas and armchairs, low set coffee tables, floor lamps, book cases, and so on. This design style encourages customers to linger in your café, meet up with friends, and tell everyone about the wonderful time they spent there!

Mixing textures

It’s time to move away from heavily themed café fitouts in Sydney and focus on textures. More specifically, you want to layer all these delicious textures on top of one another so that you overwhelm your customers with delight! This means combining old timbers with new, concrete floors with plush rugs, recycled chairs with new sofas, copper, iron, glass and marble. This approach will give your café a unique look and feel, which is what customers love!

Industrial & unfinished

Mixing an industrial and unfinished design with a focus on comfort and textures can take your café to the next level. At Liteco Projects, we recognise that café fitouts focussing on an industrial and unfinished theme have been trending in Sydney for a few years.

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This is mainly because it’s a very functional and practical design. The way to make this interior your own, however, is to use the latest trends as your inspiration, layering textures and introducing comfort to create a vibe that draws customers into your cafe.

Talk to Liteco Projects about your next fitout