Restaurant & Cafe Fitouts · 13 Dec 2021 · by Lorna Marty

How to maximise your restaurant bookings during the Christmas Season

Boost your covers & revenue whilst keeping safe this Christmas

As interior project specialists, we know that hospitality owners want to maximise their covers over the Christmas Season. However, you’re faced with the need to balance the health needs of your customers and staff with trying to service as many customers as possible.

So how can you achieve all these goals this festive season?

Well, we’ve been faced with the same dilemma in our latest restaurant and café fitouts in Sydney. So why not take a leaf out of our book and leverage our expertise?

Here are our top three tips for boosting your covers and revenue, whilst keeping everyone healthy and safe this holiday season.

1. Optimise seating arrangements

Given the ongoing need for social distancing, you need to think of ways to expand your dining options. So is there space in a rear garden, roof top or sidewalk for diners? Is there space inside that isn’t utilised efficiently? Can you install smaller and more slimline tables and chairs that allow for social distancing but still keep the covers high? Our recent restaurant and café fitouts in Sydney have used at least one of these strategies to great effect.

2. Increase hygiene & cleanliness

Rundown and worn out furniture and fittings not only discourages customers, but also promotes the impression that you might be as lax with your hygiene standards.

The easiest way to turn this around and give your customers confidence in your hygiene is to refurbish with new furniture and fittings, making sure they are quickly and easily cleanable. As interior project specialists, we have recently started using more timber elements in our client’s makeovers, because it’s less of a problem with the COVID virus than other materials.


3. Encourage bookings when it’s quiet

Every café and restaurant has quiet periods during the week, so why not offer two for the price of one or free deserts during these times? Many families and couples look for these type of offers, particularly around the festive season. It’s a great way to increase bookings and revenue at times that don’t normally lead to many covers.

Liteco Projects are the leading interior project specialists for restaurant and café fitouts in – call us to find out more.


Talk to Liteco Projects about your next fitout