Restaurant & Cafe Fitouts · 03 Nov 2020 · by Lorna Marty

The perfect cheat sheet for opening your own café or restaurant – Part A

If you’re thinking of opening your own restaurant or café, you need a solid business plan before you start looking for interior project specialists.

So in Part A of our cheat sheet we cover the five steps you need to create a business plan for your new venture. It’s not until Part B that we cover restaurant and café fitouts in Sydney, as well as the remaining steps that need to be completed before launching your new business.

At the end, you will have a ten-step cheat sheet to starting your own restaurant or café!

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1.  What type of restaurant or café do you want?

You might have a preference for a fast food restaurant, casual dining, organic café, family restaurant or even fine dining, but what does the market need? Match your location with what people want and you have a goldmine!

2.  Identify the regulations that apply in your location

Each state or territory has its own regulations, permits and compliance standards that cover the sale of food and liquor, as well as food safety. Check these out and know exactly what’s expected of your restaurant or café.

3.  How will you fund your new business?

Make sure you have enough funds to pay for everything for at least six months, including your restaurant or café fitout, utilities, staff wages, food, liquor, marketing, rent and licences. Forecast your cashflow needs and make sure you can last until you start making a profit.

4.  Identify the right location and look at leases

Your success can rely heavily on your location, so do your research and find a site that is popular with people, as well as easily accessible with parking and transport nearby.

5.  How will you brand and market your business?

You also need to have your branding message organised before you contact interior project specialists. This means that once you have your new lease and commence the fitout, you can start marketing your new café or restaurant, building momentum for your awesome launch!

In Part B of our cheat sheet we cover the final steps for making your dream a reality!

Liteco Projects Design and fitouts cafe specialists Sydney

Talk to Liteco Projects about your next fitout