Restaurant & Cafe Fitouts · 31 Jan 2022 · by Lorna Marty

Top restaurant and dining trends for 2022

Understand the trends and boost your restaurant in 2022

As a leader in hospitality fitouts, Liteco Projects recognises that restaurants have struggled throughout the pandemic. Lockdowns, loss of customers, fewer staff and even a shortage in supplies have brought many hospitality businesses to their knees.

It’s not been easy, but many restaurants are now emerging stronger and more resilient from the pandemic. Much is due to leveraging the changes enforced by the pandemic and using them to drive their business forwards. These changes are evolving into trends that are being embraced by astute restaurant owners to grow and diversify their revenue.

This is where professional Sydney shopfitters can be of assistance, because we understand these trends and how they can be leveraged to transform your business. In fact, these trends will have a significant impact on your hospitality fitouts, as they change the way you operate and how customers dine in your restaurant.
Here are three trends that will change everything in 2022.

1. Think about your restaurant layout

As restaurants change the way they operate, there will be a greater need for professional hospitality fitouts. More emphasis will be made on take-away meals and drive-thru options, even for high-end restaurants.

Allocated spaces will be required for pick-ups and delivery drivers, reducing the space for diners, as this trend continues to grow.


2. Consider streamlined menus and local food products

Supply shortages and constant lockdowns have shown restaurant owners that simplifying their menus and sourcing locally can be a recipe for success.

This trend will continue as restaurants focus on offering a smaller selection of meals, whilst focusing on quality, flavour and freshness to reduce both costs and wastage.

Professional Sydney shopfitters can help redesign your restaurant to reflect your updated messaging.

3. Diversify your revenue streams in 2022

There is a growing trend for restaurants to diversify their income streams with a retail section to increase their revenue. Branded mugs, t-shirts, tote bags and even food items are some of the lucrative merchandise that offers free advertising and greater margins.

Adding a meal delivery service and even cooking classes can help diversify your revenue even further and ensure the ongoing success of your restaurant.

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Talk to Liteco Projects about your next fitout