Restaurant & Cafe Fitouts · 10 Oct 2021 · by Lorna Marty

Using Colour Psychology to Boost Café Fitouts in 2021

With Sydney now focussing on living with COVID, it’s time for life to return to normal.

This normality, however, doesn’t guarantee the return of customers to your café nor the numbers needed to achieve your bottom line. So what can you do to give your café a competitive edge?

This is where café fitouts can make a huge difference to your revenue. That’s because you can leverage the psychology of colour to influence the way customers interact with your business.

Using colour psychology in café fitouts

Along with location, café fitouts have a huge impact on the success of a business, so it’s no surprise that colour is such a big factor. In fact, colour is one of the most affordable ways to change the ambiance of a café and clever business owners use the psychology of colour to subtly influence their customers.

Do you want to increase your turnover rate? There’s a colour for that. Want customers to relax, linger and spend more money? There’s a colour for that. Want to promote a healthy menu? There’s a colour for that!

Here’s a few colour palettes that are already being used in café fitouts to boost revenue in post-lockdown Sydney.

Red & Yellow:

These colours elevate the heart rate and blood pressure and get people to move! So if you want to increase turnover in your café and there’s a high footfall in your area, introducing elements of red and yellow will do the trick.

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Green & Brown:

For cafes with a dining area, green and brown colours are great for encouraging customers to sit and relax, chat and linger.

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They are also perfect for promoting healthy, fresh food, so if that’s your menu, then consider adding elements of these colours during your next café fitout.


Blue & Purple:

These are tricky colours for cafes, because they tend to make you thirsty, rather than hungry. However, blue and purple are ideal for take-away coffee shops who focus on the quality of their coffee, rather than on providing food.

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At Liteco Projects, we use colour psychology to maximise the benefits of café fitouts for our Sydney clients.

Talk to Liteco Projects about your next fitout