Restaurant & Cafe Fitouts · 01 Apr 2021 · by Lorna Marty

Why 80% of restaurants fail and how good design can help you succeed

How can a restaurant fitout in Sydney help your business succeed when others fail?

Well, you might already know that a lot of restaurants don’t last their first five years in the business, but 80%? That’s a lot of restaurants.
So to help you select the best value for money equipment, here are some questions to ask yourself before making your purchases.

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Can good design counter a poor location?

The biggest mistake made by these restaurant owners was in selecting the wrong location, but can good design counter a poor location? It might come as a surprise to learn that a professional hospitality fitout can help to counter some of the negatives of a bad location in Sydney. For example, how many times have you seen a restaurant or café that’s booming where it has no right to be?

Success + an awesome reputation

Given a poor location, the success of a restaurant usually comes down to one single factor – an awesome reputation. This reputation is built on good food and an atmosphere that calls to the crowds.

You can guess what happens – a few people stumble across the restaurant in an out of the way place and are amazed at the food and vibe, they talk to their friends and before you know what is happening, your restaurant is full every night.

All despite a location that might have ruined many other businesses.

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The importance of design

At Liteco, we can’t help with the food (unless you count our kitchen fitouts), but we can use our expertise in restaurant design to give your business an interior design layout that just begs customers to stop, stay and return, again and again.

So if business isn’t going so well at your restaurant and you believe that location is a problem, you have two choices – relocate or make your restaurant so awesome that it succeeds despite its location!

Talk to Liteco Projects about your next fitout